Server streaming with .NET Core gRPC service
15 Dec 2019In the first post of this .NET Core gRPC services, we have seen how to build a simple request-reply service by using .NET Core 3 and the brand new grpc-dotnet library entirely written in C#.
Now, it’s time to extend our scenario by exploring the next kind of service: server streaming.
NOTE: Remember that gRPC offers four kinds of service: request-reply, server streaming, client streaming, and bidirectional streaming. We’ll see the others in dedicated posts
Server Streaming Scenarios
First of all, what is server streaming? This is an excerpt the gRPC site:
Server streaming RPCs where the client sends a request to the server and gets a stream to read a sequence of messages back. The client reads from the returned stream until there are no more messages. gRPC guarantees message ordering within an individual RPC call.
Typically, server streaming may be useful when you have a set of data that needs to be continuously send to the client while the server is still working on that. Let me explain with some example: imagine you need to send back a list of items. Instead of sending a full list, with bad performance, you can send back a block of n items per message, allowing the client start its operations asynchronously. This is a very basic usage of server streaming.
Ok, now we can start coding
Based on the BookshelfService
implemented in the previous post and available on my github repository, we must update the bookshelf.proto
by adding a new service called GetAllBooks
and the related AllBooksRequest
and AllBooksReply
. That service will return the full list of books from our shelf:
// The bookshelf service definition
service BookService {
// Get full list of books
rpc GetAllBooks (AllBooksRequest) returns (stream AllBooksReply);
// The Request message containing specific parameters
message AllBooksRequest {
int32 itemsPerPage = 1;
// The Reply message containing the book list
message AllBooksReply {
repeated Book Books = 1;
// The Book message represents a book instance
message Book {
string title = 1;
string description = 2;
After changing the .proto
file, now you’ll be able to override the GetAllBooks method in the BookshelfService class to implement the server-side logic:
public override async Task GetAllBooks(AllBooksRequest request, IServerStreamWriter<AllBooksReply> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
var pageIndex = 0;
while (!context.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var books = BooksManager.ReadAll(++pageIndex, request.ItemsPerPage);
if (!books.Any())
var reply = new AllBooksReply();
await responseStream.WriteAsync(reply);
Finally, we can run the service with the dotnet run
command and test it with BloomRPC:
In the next post we’ll see how to create the client for the server streaming service type.
check full code on github