Fabio Cozzolino is Chief Software Architect in CompuGroup Medical Italia with a special involvement on the development of e-health platforms and solutions. He frequently participates as speaker at events and user group meetings, typically focusing his talks on topics like WCF and Windows Azure; he is also active in the community as the leader of “DotNetSide”, an Italian .NET User Group.
In 2004 Fabio achieved the MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developer) certification on .NET.
Fabio currently writes numerous articles for the most popular Italian programming magazine and has published the Italian “Windows Communication Foundation” handbook, based on the first version of WCF. In the 2010 he has published the book “Professional WCF 4: Windows Communication Foundation with .NET 4” for Wrox.
On march 2011 he has published the book “Windows Azure: Programmare per il Cloud Computing”.